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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 03/03/05 07:06:48 PM

"Can Terri Schindler-Schiavo Be Murdered By Judicial Fiat... In America?"

And, "What's Going On?"

Donald B. Hawthorne blogs a blockbuster again, yesterday.

Also, Mark Brumley asks some great questions over at Insight Scoop, today:

.... If a daughter were dying of cancer, her parents might consider all reasonable treatments and possibly some unreasonable ones. Having tried treaments A, B, C, and D, they might conclude that they've done all they can, as Bishop Lynch [of St. Petersburg] says. But Terri Schiavo is not slated to die from some disease or even from brain damage; she is slated to die from intentional starvation. How can Bishop Lynch suggest, as he seems to, that Terri Schiavo's parents simply accept that? Why does he think that giving in to the deliberate starvation of their child will bring them "peace"?
No doubt contrary to his intention, Bishop Lynch's recent statement seems only to have muddled the situation and left many people wondering what, exactly, he is trying to do.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Thu. 03/03/05 07:06:48 PM
Categorized as Terri Schindler Schiavo.


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