The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 03/14/05 07:04:02 AM
"Mel Gibson Joins Fight For Terri: A Summary of Recent Events" Thanks to Margaret for notice of this round-up, Saturday, of the latest concerning Terri Schindler Schiavo: Inside the Vatican magazine has reported that "Mr. Robert Schindler the father of Terri Schiavo spoke to Mel Gibson on the afternoon of Friday March 11 2005." The report states: "The film star and director/producer of The Passion of the Christ has released a statement to the March 12, 2005 Rally organizers in Florida on behalf of Terri Schiavo as follows: 'I fully support the efforts of Mr. & Mrs. Schindler to save their daughter, Terri Schiavo, from a cruel starvation. Terri's husband should sign the care of his wife over to her parents so she can be properly cared for.'" In additon to Gibson, countless people around the United States and even around the globe are weighing in to save Terri Schiavo from a March 18th date with starvation. Within the Catholic Church, cardinals and bishops from Rome to Baltimore to Tallahasee have decried the pending removal of the 41-year-old disabled Florida womans feeding tube. Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life started a novena for Terri Schiavo and urged Americans to write their Congressional representatives in support of legislation pending in Washington, D.C. and in Tallahasee, Fla. Cardinal William Keeler, chairman for the U.S. Bishops Committee for Pro-Life Activity, said on March 9th that it was "morally obligatory" to provide food and water to Terri Schiavo. "The case of Terri Schindler Schiavo in Florida," wrote Cardinal Keeler, "has focused national attention on the plight of patients diagnosed as being in a 'vegetative' state." However, it has been argued by Terri's parents and supporters for Terri Schiavo that she is not, in fact, in a vegetative state, but a minimally conscious state.... Lane Core Jr. CIW P Mon. 03/14/05 07:04:02 AM |
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