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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tue. 03/15/05 06:41:01 AM

Ex-Con Capuchin

A life story by Ann Rodgers at the PG, Sunday:

Apart from the graying of age, Jim Townsend's face has changed little from the night in 1947 when a news photographer shot him being arrested for the murder of his young, pregnant wife in Ohiopyle. The handsome lines remain unchanged by 20 years in prison, 35 years as a Catholic friar and the more recent ravages of cancer and heart disease.
But his eyes are a different story. In the news photo, they glared hard and cold with rage and fear. Now, at 78, as he ministers to prisoners and to Butler County children in the brown robes of a Capuchin Friar known as Brother Jim, his eyes reflect the joy and compassion which many have come to recognize in him....

(Thanks, Nârwen.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 03/15/05 06:41:01 AM
Categorized as Religious.


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