The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 03/31/05 08:06:09 PM
Must Cut Back! I have spent the last couple of weeks pondering my priorities. I have decided that the demands of real life mostly the need to make more money require a considerable cutback in blogging by Your Humble, Faithful Blogster. So, don't expect regular, daily blogging here until further notice. I do plan, though, to continue the following, so there will be new content regularly:
I think it will be much better for me, for instance, if I spend more time thinking about what I can turn into an article for the Tribune-Review and less time thinking about what I can turn into a blog. I'm working on an article, and I already have the go-ahead for three more. But, the more time & energy I put into them, the less there is for blogging and vice-versa. Deo voluntas, the number of entries in E.L. Core @ Catholic Exchange and E.L. Core @ The Tribune-Review will grow a lot over the next few months. Please continue to check back often, Faithful Reader. I hope it will continue to be worth your while to visit The Blog from the Core frequently. P.S. Those of you who send comments, quotations, and poetry you know who you are :-) please, continue to do so whenever you like. And, if you haven't yet, feel free to start. Thanks! Lane Core Jr. CIW P Thu. 03/31/05 08:06:09 PM |
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