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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Index for Week of March 20, 2005
    Saturday, March 26, 2005    
      Mossén Juan Tallante: "Prayer to the Crucifix"
(03/26/05 08:44:11 AM; 114 words)
Holy Saturday 2005 Prayer to the Crucifix Almighty God, unchangeable,    Who framed the universe entire       Thy truth to see; Thou who for loving us so well    Didst in Thine agony....
    Friday, March 25, 2005    
      John Donne: "The Annuntiation and Pafsion"
(03/25/05 07:44:02 AM; 443 words)
Good Friday 2005 The Annuntiation and Pafsion Tamely, fraile body'abftaine to day; to day My foule eates twice, Chrift hither and away. She fees him man, fo like God made....
    Thursday, March 24, 2005    
      St. Anselm of Canterbury: "To Our Lord in the Sacrament"
(03/24/05 07:13:04 AM; 121 words)
Holy Thursday 2005 To Our Lord in the Sacrament Hail! Christ's pure Body—born of the Holy Virgin—    Living flesh, and true Man, and perfect Godhead! Hail! Fount of health, of....
    Wednesday, March 23, 2005    
      Juan Manuel García Tejada: "To Jesus on the Cross"
(03/23/05 06:36:51 AM; 178 words)
Wednesday in Holy Week 2005 To Jesus on the Cross To you I hurrying, come, O sacred arms    That stretch so wide upon the lifted Cross    As though to cherish....
    Tuesday, March 22, 2005    
      Giovanni Pico della Mirandola: "Consider"
(03/22/05 07:09:21 AM; 158 words)
Tuesday in Holy Week 2005 Consider Consider when thou art moved to be wroth,    He who was God and of all men the best, Seeing Himself scorned and scourged both,....
    Monday, March 21, 2005    
      Angelus Silesius: "The Tree of the Cross"
(03/21/05 07:17:08 AM; 269 words)
Monday in Holy Week 2005 The Tree of the Cross Blest is he that seeketh rest    In God's pastures green and quiet, In the shadow of the Cross,    Far from....
    Sunday, March 20, 2005    
      Girolamo Beniveni: "Lauda"
(03/20/05 08:21:39 AM; 178 words)
Palm Sunday 2005 Lauda    Jesus, whoso with Thee Hangs not in pain and loss, Pierced on the cruel cross,    At peace shall never be. Lord, unto me be kind; Give....

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