Ioannes Paulus PP. Magnus
Doctor Veritatis laid to rest today in St. Peter's Basilica.
Subvénite, Sancti Dei; occúrrite, Angeli Domini: Suscipientes animam eius. Offerentes eam in conspectu Altissimi. |
Saints of God, come to his aid! Come to meet him, angels of the Lord! Receive his soul and present him to God the Most High. |
 Ioannes Paulus PP. Magnus
His Testament March 6, 1979 March 17, 2000 |
Homily of the Funeral Mass Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals |
 Sede Vacante: the Papal Interregnum
Universi Dominici Gregis Apostolic Constitution of Pope John Paul II on the Vacancy of the Apostolic See and the Election of the Roman Pontiff (February 22, 1996) |
The Vacancy of the Holy See Resources at EWTN Website |
Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 04/08/05 07:36:12 AM
Categorized as Pope John Paul the Great & Religious.