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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Carnival for Il Papa

At Papa Familias.


Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 04/12/05 07:43:53 AM
Categorized as Blogosphere Stuff & Religious.


Spero News Launches April 11

Alternative Network For News, Commentary & Analysis

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Madrid, Spain/Houston, Texas /April 11/ — Communication in today’s world requires openness and a new approach with respect to media. Spero News is that new approach.

Initially in English, and soon expanding into Spanish, Spero News is a bi-lingual weekly electronic magazine and community spanning the globe providing premium content submitted from its nearly 100 collaborators. Spero News aims to enhance society by creating a premier, alternative network for readers seeking quality news, information and interaction through the Internet by providing news, commentary, and analysis that encourages citizen participation. In that respect, Spero News is a unique experience towards creating a constructive dialogue between media and readers with the aim of promoting a correctly informed and discerning public opinion as reflected in Judeo-Christian values. By melding journalists, citizen journalists and sector professionals, Spero News also guarantees that its news is by the people and for the people.

Spero News' collaborators from various countries are united in an electronic format that will enable the creation of long-lasting relationships with a large audience of discriminating users. Spero News is already receiving contributions from writers in Australia, Canada, Cyprus, England, Italy, Korea, Malaysia, Spain, the United States and Wales, with more expected to soon join.

In turn, readers will appreciate and value Spero News' closer, "grassroots," touch, while at the same time appreciating the maintaining of high-quality standards, coupled with an online experience for a uniquely knowledgeable community of users through a networked environment that provides answers, analysis, points-of-view and like-minded associates.

A primary goal of Spero News is to teach citizens writing skills whereby they may take a more active role in policies that affect the social fabric, and an appreciation of the corresponding responsibility that comes with gained knowledge.

Spero News seeks to promote justice and solidarity according to an organic and correct vision of human development, by reporting events accurately and truthfully, analyzing situations and problems completely, and providing a forum for different opinions. Spero News believes that an authentically ethical approach to using the powerful communication media must be situated within the context of a mature exercise of freedom and responsibility, founded upon the supreme criteria of truth and justice.

Complimenting the community experience is The Spero Forum, which is already averaging 15,000 unique visitors per day. Spero News will also host Writer's Journals (blogs) for those people interested. Spero News is the product of Spero, launched in 2002 in Houston, Texas, and the Madrid-based website, as well as the addition of a rapidly growing family of collaborators.

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You'll see lots of familiar names from St. Blog's as Spero News rolls out this month.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 04/12/05 07:28:28 AM
Categorized as International & Media.


"So Fair, So Sweet, Withal So Sensitive"

Random Poetry List XXIII

So fair, so sweet, withal so sensitive,
Would that the little Flowers were born to live,
Conscious of half the pleasure which they give;

That to this mountain-daisy's self were known
The beauty of its star-shaped shadow, thrown
On the smooth surface of this naked stone!

And what if hence a bold desire should mount
High as the Sun, that he could take account
Of all that issues from his glorious fount!

So might he ken how by his sovereign aid
These delicate companionships are made;
And how he rules the pomp of light and shade;

And were the Sister-power that shines by night
So privileged, what a countenance of delight
Would through the clouds break forth on human sight!

Fond fancies! wheresoe'er shall turn thine eye
On earth, air, ocean, or the starry sky,
Converse with Nature in pure sympathy;

All vain desires, all lawless wishes quelled,
Be Thou to love and praise alike impelled,
Whatever boon is granted or withheld.

William Wordsworth (1770-1850)

Originally e-mailed on Thursday, April 12, 2001 @ 12:25 PM.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 04/12/05 07:17:29 AM
Categorized as Literary & Random Poetry List.


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