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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Monday, April 18, 2005

"John Paul the Great" V

Orson Scott Card on John Paul the Great.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 04/18/05 05:59:15 PM
Categorized as Pope John Paul the Great & Religious.


"John Paul the Great" IV


John Paul the Great
Maker of the post-conciliar church
William Oddie, Editor

A distinguished list of Catholic writers present their unique insights on the extraordinary achievements of the 25 years of Pope John Paul II's pontificate. This prestigious group of writers make a strong case that this has not been merely an exceptional pontificate but one of the few epoch-making pontificates in Christian history. The nine writers include Aidan Nichols, O.P., John Saward, Rodger Charles, S.J., Ian Kerr, and Leonie Caldecott. This book establishes clearly that Pope John Paul II is not only an historical figure whose actions and personal qualities have effected one of the great turning points in human affairs, but he is also one of those rare beings who possesses the vision and intensity of focus that compel the authors to say not only that he is an exceptional pope, but something much more: that here, truly, is Joannes Paulus Magnus: John Paul the Great. Far from being a reactionary, this has been a pope of startling originality and intellectual range, who has both led and inaugurated change as well as defended the tradition of the church. Besides his originality and his personal charisma, John Paul II has been a leader with great courage. "Be not afraid" were his first words in his inaugural sermon as pope, and that has been the watchword for his papacy. In both his younger, incredibly energetic years, or his older, more frail and suffering years, his personal courage shines out. A leader with an indomitable spirit, John Paul II has been a great warrior.

P.S. This blog should not be construed as an endorsement or advertisement for the book.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 04/18/05 05:53:03 PM
Categorized as Pope John Paul the Great & Religious.


Be Not Afraid!

Some thoughts upon the commencement of the papal conclave.

A remark heard over and over again over the past couple of weeks: the new pope is going to have a hard time filling the shoes of his predecessor.

True. But no matter.

We don't need anybody to fill the shoes of Pope John Paul the Great. We need somebody to stand on his shoulders.

With the whole world amazed at the overwhelming outpouring of personal devotion to the late Holy Father — with St. Peter's Square having resounded to cries of Santo Subito! ("Sainthood Now!) at the pope's funeral — the cardinals got the message, loud and clear.

Indeed, the story of John Paul's papacy will not have been fully told for another fifty years. At the least. For the shoulders of Ioannes Paulus PP. Magnus are broad enough for one pope after another to stand upon. That's what we need. And I confidently expect that's what we're going to get.

Veni, Creator Spiritus!

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 04/18/05 05:42:07 PM
Categorized as Pope John Paul the Great & Religious.


"Days Too Short"

Random Poetry List XXV

Days Too Short

When primroses are out in Spring,
   And small, blue violets come between;
   When merry birds sing on boughs green,
And rills, as soon as born, must sing;

When butterflies will make side-leaps,
   As though escaped from Nature's hand
   Ere perfect quite; and bees will stand
Upon their heads in fragrant deeps;

When small clouds are so silvery white
   Each seems a broken rimmèd moon—
   When such things are, this world too soon,
For me, doth wear the veil of Night.

William Henry Davies (b. 1871)

Originally e-mailed on Thursday, April 18, 2002 @ 11:40 AM.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 04/18/05 07:17:58 AM
Categorized as Literary & Random Poetry List.


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