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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thursday, April 21, 2005
"No Honeymoon for Benedict XVI" By the Anchoress at The Anchoress: It seems a shame, really. The man hadn’t been pope for two hours when the lefty blogs went (literally) profane and disgraceful (and of course adolescent) and the press was hardlining their memes and caricatures of him. Benedict XVI, it seems, is a relentless and remorseless hard-ass who takes-no-prisoners and wields a clumsy and undiplomatic sword, cutting a path of hard-hearted destruction no matter where he goes, and he will be a disaster for the church, and oppressor of women, gays, people of girth, people of mirth, people with brains, and people without, little puppies, small furry rodents and children he doesn’t like. Or, something like that. I have one thing to say to all of this to all of the breathless ranting from the left and the grim, woe-is-us prognostications of SOME members of the press. It is this: Fer cryin’ out loud, CHILL OUT.... Lane Core Jr. CIW P Thu. 04/21/05 08:31:43 PM |
"Like Violets Pale i' the Spring o' the Year" Random Poetry List XXVII
Like violets pale i' the Spring o' the year James Thomson (1834-1882) Originally e-mailed on Saturday, April 21, 2001 @ 2:30 PM. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Thu. 04/21/05 08:11:12 PM |
"While We Were Distracted" Coalition for Darfur VII + + + + + In 1994, a genocide took place in Rwanda and it is probably safe to say that few of us remember hearing much about it. How was it possible, we now ask ourselves, that we could have so easily ignored the brutal slaughter of nearly one million people. A look back to those 100 days in 1994 reveals that while we may not have heard much about Rwanda, we most certainly heard a great deal about many other things. April to July 1994: A Timeline On April 7, 1994 Rwandan soldiers and trained militias armed with machetes unleashed a murderous campaign to destroy the minority Tutsi population. On April 8, Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain was found dead in his home from a self-inflicted gun shot wound. On April 15, an estimated 20,000 Rwandans who had sought shelter Nyarubuye Church were slaughtered by government forces and members of the Interahamwe militia. On April 22, former President Richard Nixon died and his funeral was held five days later. On May 5, Michael Fay, an 18 year-old US citizen, was caned in Singapore as punishment for vandalism. In mid May, the International Red Cross estimated that 500,000 Rwandans had been killed. On June 17, OJ Simpson led police on a slow speed chase in a White Ford Bronco. On July 4, the rebel army took control of the Rwandan capitol of Kigali and the genocide came to an end in a country littered with nearly one million corpses. It is widely acknowledged that the world largely ignored the genocide in 1994 and failed the people of Rwanda. A decade later, it is worth asking if our priorities have changed. On September 8, 2004 "60 Minutes" ran a controversial story regarding President Bush's service in the Air National Guard that relied, in part, on forged memos. On September 9, former Secretary of State Colin Powell officially declared that genocide was taking place in Darfur, Sudan. On October 4, Romeo Dallaire, the head of the UN mission in Rwanda during the 1994 genocide warned that the world was responding to the crisis in Darfur much in the same way it responded to the genocide in Rwanda – with complete indifference. On October 6, comedian Rodney Dangerfield died. On January 24, 2005, Johnny Carson died. On January 25, the UN released a report chronicling "serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law amounting to crimes under international law"; among them the "killing of civilians, torture, enforced disappearances, destruction of villages, rape and other forms of sexual violence." On March 11, Brian Nichols overpowered a deputy, stole her gun and killed three people in an Atlanta courthouse before escaping. On March 14, the United Nation's estimated that at least 180,000 people have died in Darfur in the last year and a half. Ten years ago, a genocide unfolded right in front of our eyes, but the media was more focused on the legal problems of various celebrities than it was on the deaths of tens of thousands of people in Africa. And the same thing is happening today. One has to wonder if, ten years from now, we'll be saying to one another "I vaguely remember hearing about the genocide in Sudan. It took place about the time of the Michael Jackson trial, right?" We at the Coalition for Darfur ask you to join us in raising awareness of the genocide and to consider making a small donation to any of the organizations providing life saving assistance to the neglected people of Darfur. + + + + + The Blog from the Core does not necessarily endorse every detail of the weekly Coalition for Darfur message. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Thu. 04/21/05 07:24:33 PM |
Catholic Carnival XXVI At A Penitent Blogger this week. Your Humble, Faithful Blogster has an entry in this week's Carnival. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Thu. 04/21/05 05:46:25 PM |
"Nothing Gold Can Stay" Random Poetry List XXVI Nothing Gold Can Stay
Nature's first green is gold, Robert Frost (American, 1874-1963) Originally e-mailed on Wednesday, April 21, 1999 @ 6:01 PM. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Thu. 04/21/05 05:34:43 PM |
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