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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 04/04/05 08:36:40 PM

"Lost and Found"

Random Poetry List XXI

Lost and Found

I missed him when the sun began to bend;
I found him not when I had lost his rim;
With many tears I went in search of him,
Climbing high mountains which did still ascend,
And gave me echoes when I called my friend;
Through cities vast and charnel-houses grim,
And high cathedrals where the light was dim,
Through books and arts and works without an end,
But found him not—the friend whom I had lost.
And yet I found him—as I found the lark,
A sound in fields I heard but could not mark;
I found him nearest when I missed him most;
I found him in my heart, a life in frost,
A light I knew not till my soul was dark.

George MacDonald (1824-1905)

Originally e-mailed on Wednesday, April 04, 2001 @ 6:53 PM.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 04/04/05 08:36:40 PM
Categorized as Literary & Random Poetry List.


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