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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 04/09/05 07:29:38 AM

Blogworthies LXI

Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything.

Noteworthy entries @ Insight Scoop, Lead and Gold, The Shrine of the Holy Whapping, The Remedy, Veritas, Hallowed Ground, open book, Flos Carmeli, Disputations, Democracy Project, My Public Private Journal, The Curt Jester, The Anchoress, Dust in the Light, Chrenkoff, Power Line, Catholic Light, Catholic and Enjoying It, extreme Catholic, Video meliora, Sodakmonk, Midwest Conservative Journal, Kudlow's Money Politic$, Ales Rarus, The Paragraph Farmer, Lex Communis, Still Running Off at the Keyboard, LilacRose, Grad Student Vintage 1958, WILLisms, American Digest, Cor ad cor loquitur, Apologia, Sed Contra, ThreeBadFingers, Lofted Nest: A Catholic Journey, Summa Mamas, Envoy Encore, and Insane Troll Logic.

In memoriam Pope John Paul the Great.

Pope John Paul II and Bethlehem Community @ Insight Scoop:

The good folks from Bethlehem Books have this to say about Pope John Paul II: ....

John Paul II's Legacy @ Lead and Gold:

Early in the pontificate of JPII, the British historian Paul Johnson wrote about religion in his book Modern Times. Some of his observations were striking and may give some hint about the path of the Church in the next century....

The Greatness of John Paul II @ The Shrine of the Holy Whapping:

I do not have to tell you that the Holy Father has been the primary topic of conversation in these parts. The whole Notre Dame community has been pouring out impressive affection, from all three presidents to the average Joe students....

Why Rome Still Matters @ The Remedy:

So you thought Rome didn't matter any more? You thought that despite its claim to be the Eternal City, Rome was yesterday, Rome was very old news? That was before America's attention shifted from a dying woman in St. Petersburg, Florida, to a dying man in St. Peter's Square, the Vatican....

Personal Reflections @ Veritas:

I reverted to Catholicism in the fall of 1994, and Pope John Paul II had an immediate effect on my newly-kindled faith. His writings and more importantly his witness were and remained an inspiration and source of wisdom to me....

Pope John Paul II @ Hallowed Ground:

.... When I was a Protestant, John Paul II helped to give me a hunger for Catholicism. As a Lutheran (WELS) Sunday School teacher, I once believed that the pope was the Antichrist. But then I saw John Paul II on television during his visit to Denver, heard him give a beautiful Christian homily, and concluded that if the pope was really the Antichrist, he wasn't a very good one. And during that hideous world population conference in Cairo, I wondered why John Paul II seemed to be the only man on the planet willing to stand up for the truth at the price of tremendous scorn and ridicule. My anti-Catholicism was shattered then, and the rest is history....

Annunciation @ open book:

Today, Catholics celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation — moved to this date [Mon. Apr. 4] because this year, Good Friday fell on March 25. The intense coincidence of events is dizzying — the passing of John Paul II, Divine Mercy Sunday, the continuing Easter season, and the Feast of the Annunciation....

Elegy for Pope John Paul II @ Flos Carmeli:

My two way heart cannot decide
which way to let you go,
with rejoicing at your triumph above,
or mourning for us below....

An elephantine papacy @ Disputations:

Five men met at a candle rack in the cathedral....

Two Saints for Our Day @ Democracy Project:

The death of one of the twentieth century’s greatest men, John Paul II, has brought forth remembrances and commentaries far superior to anything I can hope to compose. And this has been a time when contemplation seemed more appropriate than action; or better, when communication about the life of the Pontiff is ubiquitous, but not always best accomplished through words. The silence of the faithful in St. Peter’s Square spoke more eloquently than could any number of commentaries....

Lord, I am thankful for the life of your servant, Pope John Paul II.... @ My Public Private Journal:

.... His holiness, his meekness, and his fearless defense of the Truth inspires me to draw nearer to You, my God and King....

Remembrance @ The Curt Jester:

For me being a convert Pope John Paul II was the only pope that I have known. Even though I am old enough to have lived through the reigns of a number of popes (I was born the day after Pope Pius XII died) they were not exactly on my radar....

A personal resolve to try to be more balanced @ The Anchoress:

.... JPII managed to see people — first and foremost — as human beings, as imperfect created creatures, loved into being and called by their birth to vocations which are — ultimately — meant to love and serve the Creator and each other. He did his work without ever wallowing in a mentality of "us vs them." Except, of course, when he talked of "them" as an entrenched establishment needing reform or correction... or conversion....

Echoes of Immortality @ Dust in the Light:

How much influence John Paul II had on my sense of the world is, I regret, absolutely impossible for me to say....

My Pope @ Chrenkoff:

The Pope had left us for the last of his many journeys.
I have little doubt that his pontificate will be seen as one of the most momentous in the 2000-year history of the Papacy and the Catholic Church (indeed, because of the John Paul's reach and impact, Christianity in general), and he himself will be remembered as one of the few most influential pontiffs, perhaps next to Gregory the Great....

Thank you, John Paul II @ Power Line:

The Jewish people will remember Pope John Paul II for his historic acts of brotherhood and reconciliation with them....

Goodbye, from an accidental pilgrim @ Catholic Light:

The first time I saw the Pope, it was completely by accident. I was traveling in Europe with four friends after graduating from high school, and we happened to be in Rome on a Sunday. I had little use for Catholicism, but as all four of my friends were Catholic, and I wanted to see the art and architecture of the Vatican, there was no doubt that we would end up at St. Peter's for a while....

Well Done Good and Faithful Servant @ Catholic and Enjoying It:

As a Father you were to me. Thank you!...

"The Holy Father died this evening at 9:37 p.m. in his private apartment." @ extreme Catholic:

When I got the news I was doing Catholic evangelization in Grand Central Terminal with the Catholic Evidence Guild....

God Bless Pope John Paul @ Video meliora, proboque; Deteriora sequor:

The last battle continues. I'm surprised and gratified by the wall-to-wall press coverage the Holy Father is receiving on the cable channels (I've been watching MSNBC). Much of the coverage is even positive; I've witnessed holy priests speaking the truth. Coming on the heels of Terri's death, this is a holy synchronicity, even more so than Mother Teresa's coming so soon after Princess Di's....

Memories @ Sodakmonk:

The world in 1978 was very different today. Liberalism was the status quo. Communism was on the move all thru the third world. The Iron Curtain was still up. The Soviet Union was building the largest armed forces ever in history. They invested more in military hardware than the rest of the world combined. (Hardware which, thanks to the microprocessor revolution of the 1980's, would soon become obsolete. Ah, the graces of history.) Our president was Jimmy Carter, possibly the lamest duck to ever hold that office. The Church was a real mess. We wouldn't know how bad till some years later....

When Titans Die @ Midwest Conservative Journal:

.... There are three types of celebrities. One is the celebrity you simply notice. It might only be a local television news personality. Or it might be a B-list actor walking out of a bookstore after a book signing (Fran Drescher, in my case) or buying a cup of coffee at Starbuck's. You notice them and are jolted a bit, you might mention in passing that you saw them if the person's name should happen to come up in conversation but otherwise it's really not that big of a deal....

Be Not Afraid @ Kudlow's Money Politic$:

I believe it was sometime in 1993 when I first read the great papal encyclical Splendor of Truth written by Pope John Paul II. The slender book was recommended by Fr. C. John McClosky during a conversation when he was counseling me about the worst personal crisis of my life....

Pope John Paul II: A Legacy of Dignity @ Ales Rarus:

As the pope lay dying in his apartment, the 24-hour news machine buzzed with life throughout the night. Nearly all seemed to spend a great deal of time discussing the years before his health declined due to Parkinson's Disease and other ailments. They showed video and photographs of his youth, admired his athleticism, and marvelled at his boundless energy. These things are good in their own right, but I think the media missed the point....

Godspeed, John Paul II @ The Paragraph Farmer:

How do you thank a man for a lifetime of good example when you've never met him and he already enjoys the esteem of millions? Only in prayer. And so I blog this in the conviction that Christ and the saints have prepared a place of honor for Karol Wojtyla....

I Grieve. @ Lex Communis:

.... Despite the long death watch, the news that Pope John Paul II had finally passed on left me feeling a deep emptiness, a pressing joyless weight. Something important has left my world. I was so fortunate to have lived when this great and good man lived. I think about the world at the time of his election. It was an awful world. I remember that it was divided between a free world and a human life despising tyranny. It was was poised on the brink of nuclear disaster. It knew that the values of faith and freedom would soon and inevitably capitulate to the "winds of history," which meant a pragmatic and aggressive kind of materialistic reductionism....

Favorite Pictures @ Still Running Off at the Keyboard:

There are a lot of pictures of John Paul II floating around the web right now, among them this one with Mehmet Ali Agca, which is the image that to me most expresses what the Pontificate of John Paul II was about.
He was not a follower. He blazed his own trail, listened to his own counsel. He was a unique man among men. He forgave. Forgiveness will be part of the legacy of this pontificate, and this was his first example of it given to a world which was awestruck by his gesture. He went on to many more....

The Humanity of the Weak @ LilacRose:

I don't think it's a coincidence that Pope John Paul II died just two days after Terri Schiavo died. I think God is trying to tell us something....

The Pope Is Dead @ Grad Student Vintage 1958:

He was, in all senses of the word, my spiritual father.
I had had no spiritual training since childhood, and my family did not attend any church on a regular basis. Having had some crises in my young life and neither spiritual training nor much in the way of moral guidance from either parent, I had been thinking, more and more strongly, about being Catholic for the preceding few years, and had even made one or two false starts in the campus Catholic center's instruction program....

Tribute To Pope John Paul II, Through Time Magazine Covers. @ WILLisms:

A picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes an old magazine cover is worth 10,000.
Click images for larger versions, from Time's website: ....

The Passion of the Pope @ American Digest:

More fearful now than death, to those fortunate enough to live in the first world, is the a long decay before death. We fear mortality but we fear a long morbidity before mortality more.

Pope John Paul the Great (1920-2005) — My Tribute and Long List of Links to Biographical Articles and Papal Documents @ Cor ad cor loquitur:

I'm at a loss for words (and many others can say what I would like to express far better than I can), so I'll be brief. Pope John Paul II was, I believe, the greatest and most influential man of the 20th century. I think he will in due course be canonized, declared "the Great" (like Popes Leo and Gregory), and also a Doctor of the Church. This is not mere "eulogizing exaggeration." I've thought this for a long time....

Remembering the Personal Pope — and his American "daughter" (in pectus) @ Apologia (emphasis in original):

Sunday evening after Mass at the cathedral, as most in attendance headed out the front door, Bernadette and I went up to stand before the Pope’s picture which had been placed just below the altar. A purple cloth was draped over the frame and the wooden tripod holding it. A small crowd soon joined us. I noticed that, aside from a few of us Anglos, most were Hispanic with lots of kids who seemed strangely interested in getting a good look. Il Papa. The picture, by the way, was beautiful, taken in his prime. Remembering too well the resplendence of those early years, I leaned over to Bern after a moment and whispered that I’d like to go now.
I trust I am not alone in this tendency to take the thing too personally. But it's all right, I think. He can belong to you and to the whole earth at the same time - because in the end it is all very personal. If he was one for the ages, it is because he was for each one of us....

Today @ Sed Contra:

This morning, if the news reports are accurate, Pope John Paul II has grown significantly closer to ending his earthly life. He is the only Pope I have known for the decade or more than I have been a Catholic and the Pope who I have met and who has blessed me. Today will be a day of prayer and vigil for me, not for John Paul to stay with us necessarily — as much as I love him! — but for the will of God to be done....

The Pope's Beautiful Life @ ThreeBadFingers:

While not Catholic, I greatly admired Pope John Paul II. He found a proper balance in valuing life while not fearing death. He was a great man and a superb example.

Christ is a Quiet Guest @ Lofted Nest: A Catholic Journey:

Our Pontiff signs his final cross....

His Holiness ends his pontificate as he began it @ Summa Mamas:

it seems to me that His Holiness is ending his pontificate exactly as he began it, with the message "be not afraid." the first three words our precious Holy Father used to usher in his papacy were the words "be not afraid," echoing the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ, "be not afraid, only believe." (st. mark 5:36) ....

Dear Holy Father @ Envoy Encore:

I've been heavy of heart the past couple of days as I watch the reports of your failing health. I've been sitting here watching the link on, feeling like I am standing there in the courtyard at the Vatican waiting for news of your departure from this vale of tears.
Then I remembered. I remembered when you were shot back in the 80's. I was a bitterly anti-Catholic protestant and saw you as the anti-Christ. I remember rolling my eyes and mocking all the fuss people made over you. I figured that one less Catholic priest was a good thing. Lord have mercy on my ignorant and hateful heart....

The Man That Saved My Life @ Insane Troll Logic:

I am a convert to the Catholic faith. Pope John Paul II figured largely into the circumstances that led to the divine inspiration involved in my conversion. Although I was born in 1973, in the reign of Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II has really been the only Pope I have ever known....

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 04/09/05 07:29:38 AM
Categorized as Blogworthies & Pope John Paul the Great.


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