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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 04/16/05 08:09:06 AM

Blogworthies LXII

Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything.

Noteworthy entries @ Jimmy Akin.Org, After Abortion, C-Log, The Curt Jester,,, Flos Carmeli, Anchor Rising, cut on the bias, Gateway Pundit, Off the Record, Mere Comments, Sancta Sanctis, Austin Bay Blog, JunkYardBlog, The Buck Stops Here, Recta Ratio, No Left Turns, Catholic Light, Iraq the Model, Winds of Change.Net, Power Line, Midwest Conservative Journal, Dyspeptic Mutterings, and Turnabout.

"A Pillar And Foundation"? @ Jimmy Akin.Org:

.... The concept of definiteness can be tricky across languages — or even within a language. For purposes of comparison, Latin has no definite articles, meaning that you have to determine definiteness by context or simply guess whether it's there or not....

Patricia Beninato has started... @ After Abortion:

... an I'm Not Sorry blog. Sometimes people start a blog because they have one or two things they want to get off their chests....

Marriage and the Limits of Contract @ C-Log:

I tried to make a libertarian case for social conservative positions on marriage, but some libertarians aren't having any part of it. First, here are the parts of my argument. Marriage is a natural, pre-political institution that has arisen spontaneously in every known society. I define marriage as society's normative context for having sex and for rearing children. The modern position is that society does not need ANY normative institution for either sex or child-rearing. Anything people happen to come up with is just fine: no particular sexual or family relationships should be priveleged by the state, or by the wider culture....

Funeral Mass @ The Curt Jester:

Today my parish, Immaculate Conception in Jacksonville, had a special funeral Mass for Teresa Marie Schindler Schiavo. This Mass was coordinated by the Justice Coalition and was attended by Bob and Mary Schindler. The Justice Coalition is headquartered here in Jacksonville, Fl and my pastor Fr. Leon gave them permission to hold it at Immaculate Conception. I would guess that the reason it was held there is that this church is the most beautiful church in the diocese. Fr. Leon told me before that reporters often call him for statements on events because they assume that because of the beauty of this church that it must be the Cathedral for the diocese. Strange how the beauty of church architecture is suppose to be so subjective, yet secular sources don't seem to have any problem discerning beauty in church architecture....

Parents, Kids, Corporations and Democrats @

While I've been off relitigating the nature of the Confederacy and obsessing about Tom DeLay, James Dobson, and inheritance taxes, the center-left blogosphere has exploded in a dispute over a subject I've written about at some length: marketing of junk culture to kids; its role in the cultural concerns of middle-class parents; and its possible relevance to the weakness of the Democratic Party among this same category of voters....

On the Political Ineptitude of Hillary @

Scott Rasmussen has begun publishing a regular “Hillary Meter.” The purpose of this is to track Clinton’s movement to the political center by determining how much of the American public considers her to be middle-of-the-road. I find this to be a fascinating story. Not because I think Rasmussen’s polls are valid, I most certainly do not. But because I think this says quite a bit about Hillary and her political skills....

Losing Trust — Things Modern Poetry Teaches Us — Part I @ Flos Carmeli:

.... I have selected the antipodes of the poem, because in them we see the drama of the last century which extends into this one....

Testimony in Opposition to H5660, Concerning Same-Sex Marriage @ Anchor Rising:

.... When I began considering testimony in opposition to [Rhode Island] bill H5660, concerning same-sex marriage, my first thought was of the people who would be making statements for the other side, whether verbally, in writing, or through participation in the corresponding rally. Their motivation is easy to understand; at issue are the terms by which they live and love.
In contrast, I was drawn to the topic during the summer of 2001 as an intellectual matter. More or less ambivalent about the issue, I merely thought some of the arguments put forward by same-sex marriage proponents were incorrect in interesting ways. As I've researched, thought, and written about the topic, however, it has become increasingly apparent to me that at issue are the terms by which we all live and love....

Showing his true colors @ cut on the bias:

Keith Woods, Poynter Institute's Dean of Diversity (and doesn't that tell you a lot already?), has won the Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity Award. If Woods' title didn't give you all you needed to know, the "Helen Thomas" surely did. Woods writes a long navel-gazing column about how he stepped up in the diversity wars, which has two particularly interesting points. Here's the first: ....

The Princess Files @ Gateway Pundit:

Last month, a Saudi Princess was arrested in Massachusetts for enslaving two Indonesian women....

Letter to a Lebensunwertes Leben @ Off the Record:

Dear Miss Irishwoman,
I peeled your photo last week from a news source I've now forgotten; it was one of a series of images showing worldwide mourning for the Pope, and the caption indicated you were part of a memorial Mass in Dublin. Your picture stuck with me — perhaps because of its contrast with the perfect hair and brilliant false smiles of the network media stars reporting on the funeral. It's obvious that you're afflicted by Down Syndrome. In a curiously final way, most of what I consider noblest about the just-ended pontificate finds expression in your pleasingly unpleasing face....

Of Stem Cells and Beavers @ Mere Comments:

An interesting story I caught on the web today: Breakthrough isolating embryo-quality stem cells from blood.... Despite such breakthroughs, and despite that fact that all successful uses of stem cells for medical treatments have come from adult stem cells, not from those "harvested" from human embryos, we will still continue to see a push to use embryonic stem cells.....

Watching The Terminator Again @ Sancta Sanctis:

The Holy Father and Terri Schiavo were not the only ones to pass away recently. Little Joseph Patrick is also now in the loving arms of our Lord, interceding for his mother and for the rest of us still here....

John Bolton Nomination @ Austin Bay Blog:

.... I got in an tough argument two weeks ago with a couple of close friends about Bolton. Both men have absolutely first-class experience in developmental aid, in working with NGOs, and in working with the UN. They are both suspicious of Bolton and believe he lacks the diplomatic finesse to do two things (1) cooperate with the UN agencies that do work (eg, UNHCR) and (2) genuinely address the reform issues (eg., corruption). Confrontation, they argue, can only go so far. The results they see from Bolton are either (1) further polarization (producing more dysfuntion, animosity, and diplomatic difficulties for the US) or – not likely, but possible – organizational collapse....

Popularity Of "Kill Me Now" Plummets @ JunkYardBlog:

The Terri Schiavo case has claimed an unexpected victim: a popular catch phrase used on the internet and in daily conversation, mostly by young people....

Empiricism @ The Buck Stops Here:

Jonah Goldberg and Jonathan Chait have been debating over whether liberals are more "empirical" than conservatives....

A Legacy Finally Appreciated @ Recta Ratio:

Fifty-nine years ago today, my mother and father were married. I lost my father in 1989, and my mother in 1998....

First ride @ No Left Turns:

I only ride naked bikes. My first ride of the season today [Sun. Apr. 10] reminded me why. The temperature, I’m guessing, is in the mid-seventies. But that doesn’t describe the soft air and the warm wind in your face, the smell of recently overturned fields ready to be planted. On my return I did have to clean my leather of a couple of dozen splattered yellow bugs, and wash my face and brush my teeth, but this just proves that I was moving through something coming to life. Just a hundred miles, but great fun....

Doesn't anyone remember Henry VIII in England anymore? @ Catholic Light:

Andrew Stuttaford, National Review Online's resident skeptic, is often priggish about other people being priggish. To him, any call to rein in one's personal behavior brings us closer to the Fourth Reich, and any expression of religious belief is dangerous to his ideal world of fuzzy gray agnosticism....

The Eid of Liberty @ Iraq the Model:

I don't think I need to tell you how close is the 9th of April to my heart. And now, after two years happiness is still the same for me; one person among millions who were freed on that great day....

Hatewatch Briefing 2005-04-08 @ Winds of Change.Net:

Welcome! This briefing will be looking hard at the dark places the mainstream media sometimes seem determined to look away from, to better understand our declared enemies on their own terms and without illusions. Our goal is to bring you some of the top jihadi rants, idiotarian seething, and old-school Jew-hatred from around the world, leaving you more informed, more aware, and pretty disgusted every month....

Real Memo, Fake Story @ Power Line:

With the revelation that an aide to Senator Mel Martinez was the source of the widely-trumpeted "GOP talking points memo," we have written this article for the Daily Standard to summarize the story as it has developed to date....

Dead On Arrival @ Midwest Conservative Journal:

To put it mildly, Peter Akinola is unimpressed by ECUSA's response to the Newry Anglican primates meeting. For Akinola, the bottom line is that ECUSA still doesn't get it: ....

The Afterimage. @ Dyspeptic Mutterings:

I can hardly say what Pope John Paul II meant in the larger scheme of things. I suspect determining that will take the better part of a century of careful, dispassionate thought, far removed from the idiot canned analysis of right now. Hence the term "afterimage" — we are all going to be blinking and trying to focus on what he meant for a long, long time to come....

A theological note @ Turnabout:

I went to a lecture yesterday on the ins and outs of the Arian heresy. Obscure though the Arians may sound today, when John Henry Newman studied them and their sympathizers around 1830 the situation reminded him of nothing so much as the Anglican church, lots of politicos and time-servers with no bottom line making a virtue of things by calling a mess the "via media." To me the whole thing seems more like the Church in recent decades: ....

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 04/16/05 08:09:06 AM
Categorized as Blogworthies.


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