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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 04/30/05 01:06:57 PM

Blogworthies LXIV

Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything.

Noteworthy entries @ Rerum Novarum, Science Musings Blog, Power Line, Michelle Malkin, Insight Scoop, Mere Comments (twice), Dyspeptic Mutterings, The Curt Jester, The Corner, Discriminations, Power Line (again), The Commonplace Book of Zadok the Roman, HerbEly, Mystery Achievement, open book, JunkYardBlog, Off the Record, and Anchor Rising.

Hand Jive [Un] Doing that Crazy Hand Jive @ Rerum Novarum:

The guest editorial you are about to read is the same editorial alluded to in the previous post. Without further ado, let us get to it....

Hope is the thing with feathers @ Science Musings Blog:

The ivory-billed woodpecker lives! The last undisputed sighting in the United States was in the 1940s, and the bird was thought to be extinct....

Katie Kieffer Reports @ Power Line:

We contacted St. Thomas senior Katie Kieffer and asked for her report on Ann Coulter's appearance at St. Thomas. Ms. Kieffer's report provides a valuable counterpoint to the columns by the Star Tribune's fatuous columnist as well as to Father Dease's condemnation of the event: ....

Up or Down, 'Round and 'Round @ Michelle Malkin:

Power Line has been doing a excellent job exposing the Minneapolis Star-Tribune's forgetfulness about its flip-flopping on filbustering. Lots of amnesia going around: ....

What is the point of Cokie's "Catholicism"? @ Insight Scoop:

.... As Father Richard pointed out so well, Cokie is typical of liberal/progressive Catholics in that she sees nearly everything in terms of power, status, and politics. The very first paragraph of her new column illustrates this perfectly: "The new pope, Benedict XVI, faces a problem common to many secular leaders. Can he impose a rigid worldview on unwilling followers?" ....

Hitchcock on Ratzinger @ Mere Comments:

Our senior editor James Hitchcock, the historian, writes a column for Catholic diocesan newspapers. Here is the latest one, which I'm posting because few of you would see it otherwise, either not being Catholic or if Catholic not being blessed to be in one of the dioceses that prints his column....

The Healing of Schism @ Mere Comments:

One of the differences between the West and the Eastern Orthodox churches is in full display this week as the Orthodox are observing Holy Week. In Orthodoxy, Holy Week is not part of Lent proper, and began last Friday evening with services of Lazarus Saturday, the day before Palm Sunday (then connection between the two is suggested in John 11.) ....

Waiting for Popot. @ Dyspeptic Mutterings:

I have a hypothesis about a certain strand of progressive Catholicism: all the screeching about the Pope and clericalism has turned them into the most expansive papal/clericalists around. They are the mirror image of what they hate. Though I am loathe to quote possibly-syphilitic German philosophers, Nietzsche was on to something when he warned against fighting monsters lest one become a monster in the process.
They don't want the clerical brotherhood abolished, they simply want a much larger pool of applicants from which to select.
Likewise, they don't hate the Papacy so much as want it to be a steamroller acting in their interests....

If only they allowed women readers and married writers @ The Curt Jester:

With the heightened media coverage on the Catholic Church over the last couple of weeks we have had many pundits from the main stream media talk about the priest shortage in the United States and they offer their predictable suggestions. They usually frame it in the fact that the Catholic Church is a sacramental church and will die without priests who they see merely as sacramental deliveries systems. We get the normal if only they changed the discipline of priestly celibacy. If only they ordained women to the priesthood. If only they would stop being decisive about abortion, contraception, and homosexuality.
Now I find all of this highly ironic, especially coming from such outlets as the L.A. Times. I find this ironic since almost all of the main stream media is suffering from a readership/viewership crisis....

On Nazi Relativism and Other Kinds @ The Corner:

I'm really grateful to Jonah for making a distinction Andrew Sullivan missed. Nazism and Communism may have had their own metaphysical pretenses, but they both treated the human being as a thing, as a means, as an instrument, and in important ways as a non-moral (and certainly non-spirited) material agent. In the human and moral sphere, in other words, they required the surrender of any "objective" moral compass, "natural law," or allegiance to "God's law" – all those bourgeois illusions – and in this task they were greatly aided in their preparatory work by the cult of "the absurd" among the intellectuals, the literary set, and students of the time....

Left-Wing Holy Rollers @ Discriminations (ellipsis in original):

The Washington Post gave over most of its OpEd space today [Mon. Apr. 25] to two thumping (almost Bible-thumping) calls for what amounts to religious war ... against the radicalchristianright....

1994 Was So Long Ago... @ Power Line:

Yesterday, the editorial board of the Minneapolis Star Tribune came down squarely on the side of the filibuster in an editorial titled: "Nuking the filibuster/GOP arguments fail smell test." In the Strib's view, the filibuster is the Senate's great contribution to democracy: ....

And I was there — Part 3 (The Inauguration) @ The Commonplace Book of Zadok the Roman:

I got up early this morning — it was still dark and I wanted to get the best place possible and so I walked across the city towards the Via della Conciliazione, stopping only to get an early morning coffee and cornetto to sustain me. As is normal on these occasions, it seemed that the entire city of Rome was populated by religious sisters. They got up even earlier than I did and travel in packs to the Vatican. As I neared the Vatican however, the profile of the crowd changed — there were seminarians and priests in their cassocks, scouting groups from Italy and German, the ubiquitous sisters and pilgrims from all over the world....

Augustine's 26th Law & Irish Grandmothers @ HerbEly:

Maybe the Conference of Catholic Bishops knew what it was doing when it put Justice Anne Burke on the pedophilia case. Once she was on the National Review Board investigating child abuse she overcame Norman Augustine's Law XXVI. This law states that once enough management layers are imposed on top of one another, disaster is not left to chance....

The Truth Of What Is Left Unsaid @ Mystery Achievement:

Thanks to an unexpected call to duty this morning, I didn't get to see the Installation Mass for Pope Benedict XVI. But I did get to hear most of his sermon on the radio. And got a report from Mrs. someguy on my cell as I was driving back.
This is good. This is great. A great day to be Catholic.
We have a man of exceptional intelligence and wisdom in the chair of St. Peter....

An Open Letter to Maureen Dowd @ open book (italics in original):

Shut. Up.
Oh, I forgot.
Dear Ms. Dowd:
Shut. Up....

Sin City — Where are the Protestors? @ JunkYardBlog:

Last weekend I sat through the hit film Sin City. I say "sat through," as opposed to, say "enjoyed," because for me seeing this film was definitely an exercise in sitting through. I did no enjoying. I tried, but enjoyment eluded me. I would've gotten up and walked out, but my legs were asleep. And I was tired....

If the NYT had covered the Main Event @ Off the Record:

.... Yesterday's surprise announcement that doctrinal hardliner Jesus of Nazareth had been anointed "Messiah" provoked mixed reactions in the diverse and sometimes fractious Israelite community, ranging from cautious disappointment to frank despair....

Pope Benedict XVI: Proposing Faith as an Antidote to Relativism @ Anchor Rising:

With yesterday's [Tue. Apr. 19] election of Pope Benedict XVI, the hyperventilating of the liberal media has commenced as expected. The reactions tell an incomplete story, missing the broader and more significant issues threatening the civilized world....

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 04/30/05 01:06:57 PM
Categorized as Blogworthies.


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