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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Catholic Carnival XXVIII

At this week.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 05/03/05 07:51:25 AM
Categorized as Catholic Carnival.



Random Poetry List XXXIII


   Beautiful must be the mountains whence ye come,
   And bright in the fruitful valleys the streams, wherefrom
                  Ye learn your song:
Where are those starry woods? O might I wander there,
   Among the flowers, which in that heavenly air
                  Bloom the year long!

   Nay, barren are those mountains and spent the streams:
   Our song is the voice of desire, that haunts our dreams,
                  A throe of the heart,
Whose pining visions dim, forbidden hopes profound,
   No dying cadence nor long sigh can sound,
                  For all our art.

   Alone, aloud in the raptured ear of men
   We pour our dark nocturnal secret; and then,
                  As night is withdrawn
From these sweet-springing meads and bursting boughs of May,
   Dream, while the innumerable choir of day
                  Welcome the dawn.

Robert Bridges (1844-1930)

Originally e-mailed on Friday, May 03, 2002 @ 10:57 AM.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 05/03/05 07:47:41 AM
Categorized as Literary & Random Poetry List.


"The River is Deep; The River is Wide: How I Made My Peace With The Roman Catholic Church"

By Michael Spencer at Michael Spencer:

.... My apologies to the Catholic bashers who will get upset at this piece. Maybe you shouldn't read it.
I was born in 1956, so when I was in elementary school, I dimly remember the image of "good" Pope John XXIII appearing on the television, and the image of Paul VI is impressed in my mind from many pictures throughout my high school and college years. In those days, I couldn't have told you what a Pope was or what Catholics believed, because I was still submerged in a world where the one thing my family and peers could always say to justify themselves as better than others was "We aren't Catholic."
My education regarding Catholicism ran something like this: Catholics aren't saved, and if you marry a Catholic girl the priest will take your babies. Catholics worship Mary, not Jesus. They pray to dead people and worship statues. They baptize babies and speak in Latin. Anyone who used to be a Catholic and is now a Christian will tell you that Catholicism is a big racket to make money. They drink and play Bingo, then go to confession and expect everything to be alright. The Pope is dedicated to taking over the world and destroying all non-Catholics. They call church mass. Their schools make their kids dress up every day. They have to eat fish on Friday. Read this Chick comic book and it will explain everything, but stay away from Catholics yourself....

(Thanks, Patrick.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 05/03/05 07:33:24 AM
Categorized as More Than Blogworthy.


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