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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 05/20/05 06:46:28 AM

"Darkness At The Edge Of Life"

By Francis W. Porretto at Eternity Road:

Recent decades have seen a development in fiction, both written and visual, that I'd never have been able to predict from what preceded it: the embrace of purposelessness, with a hearty side dish of incoherence.
Let me clarify that a bit: major figures in the entertainment world are presenting us with "heroes" and "protagonists" who, consciously or otherwise, disavow all purpose in life. The depictions of their lives emphasize their immersion in disconnected sensations and their constant struggle to evade the logical conclusion of their rejection of purpose: suicide.
It's my belief that this fashion in entertainment is neither leading the trend in human affairs nor following well behind it, but is depicting it more or less accurately as it currently runs. An increasing number of Americans are electing to live purposeless lives. Lives squandered in pursuit of ephemeral pleasures. Lives in which commitment to a goal larger than oneself has no place. Lives in which nothing that endures is allowed to matter....

(Thanks, Amanda.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 05/20/05 06:46:28 AM
Categorized as More Than Blogworthy.


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