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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Saturday, September 24, 2005

Blogworthies LXIX

Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything.

Noteworthy entries @ The Belmont Club, Power Line, HerbEly, IowaHawk, Catholic Pillow Fight, Rightwingsparkle,, Radio Blogger, Musings of a Pertinacious Papist, little green footballs, and Pontifications.

Yes, Blogworthies is back! I don't know if it will be weekly, yet, or quite as extensive as before.

The News Magazine of the Mysteries @ The Belmont Club:

Chester does a textual analysis of the Time article entitled Chasing the Ghosts and finds it larded with the following phrases: ....

A Shocking Moment of Candor @ Power Line:

Well, it probably shouldn't be shocking, since I've always heard the Columbia Journalism Review described as "liberal." Still, this exchange is striking, to say the least. A reader sent an email to Steve Lovelady, managing editor of CJR, forwarding my post on layoffs at newspapers, which speculated that moderating their left-wing politics might help some of these papers stop the bleeding. Here is Lovelady's response: ....

Katrina: Pork Addiction @ HerbEly:

.... The suffering resulting from Katrina was a result of natural forces. I don�t believe that it was God�s punishment for the sins of New Orleans or of the nation. However, it does seem that the scale of the suffering was the result of sins of omission — failure to prepare — on the part of local, state and federal officials. The tragedy is that hundreds of thousands of citizens suffered for the omissions of a few.
The reason for this failure is simple. Our politicians are addicted to pork....

In New York, Scrappy Newspaper Struggles to Survive @ IowaHawk:

.... Like the corpses that lazily bob along in the nearby East River, life obeys its own pace in this isolated island community of 8 million in southern New York State.
It is an ancient pace, its cadence dictated by the steady whirr and click-a-clack of word processors, plied by the gnarled hands of skilled opinion craftsmen who once supplied nearly eighty percent of the world's refined punditry output.
To some ears, the din from the mighty opinion mills of this gritty Ink Belt town may be grating; but it has served as a siren call for generations of hungry immigrant OpEd workers.
Each year they come here, from Cambridge and Ithaca and New Haven, young and eager social critics seeking nothing more than an honest day's wage for an honest day's condescension, and perhaps a decent squab pate in white wine reduction....

The Slut Factor @ Catholic Pillow Fight:

Subtitle: Daddies, don't let your babies grow up to be playthings....

Boys To Men. @ Rightwingsparkle:

.... Tonight I watched the football movie "Friday Night Lights." If you're not familiar with it, it is a true story about an Odessa high school football team who, against all odds, made it to the State Championship played at the Astrodome in 1988. Yeah, I know it is an old movie, but I always get around to watching these things a couple of years later. I don't have the time or the desire to go to the movies. I like the comfort of my big couch, my big screen, and that pause button. Anyway, this isn't a review of the movie. (which is pretty good, and very accurate about the football madness of Texas) It really made me think about how completely different men are to women (I know, duh) and made me realize a bit how so many men turn out the way they do....

Ente bTaref `Arabi? @

That's a question that some in St. Blog's need to be asking themselves. If they don't understand the question then the answer is "No" or, more properly, La'.
The question means "Do you understand Arabic?" and the reason that they need to ask themselves this is that some folks in the Catholic blogosphere have been freaking out over the fact that Cardinal McCarrick has (again) used the word "Allah" when referring to God in a speech made to a Muslim audience....

Don't get stuck on stupid @ Radio Blogger:

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin held a press conference a little bit ago, and started losing control to a media pool assembled that was showing signs of panic, due to the previous incompetence in the region by the local and state government. Lt. Gen. Russel Honore stepped in and literally took over. Here's what he had to say: ....

The Faith Connection promotes universalism @ Musings of a Pertinacious Papist:

.... Earlier this year, the January 2, 2005 issue for Epiphany Sunday (Year A) was devoted to the question, "Who Can Be Saved?" What I find depressingly tendentious about the issue, like many, is that although the writing generally falls within the broad limits of what may conform to Church teaching, it often skirts the edges of these limits precariously, suggesting ecclesiastical support for prevailing social opinions distinctly at odds with Catholic orthodoxy....

Religion of Silly Seething @ little green footballs:

Here�s a followup to yesterday�s post about a Muslim Burger King employee who threatened a jihad over a design for an ice cream package that resembled the Arabic symbol for �Allah.�
Burger King promptly capitulated and removed the product from their stores.
Today The Sun published a picture of the dastardly dessert....

The novelty of imputation @ Pontifications:

In the 16th century Martin Luther broke the unity of the Church in Germany. He believed he had rediscovered the authentic gospel of Jesus Christ, summarized in the slogan �justification by faith.� Mankind is justified by faith in Jesus Christ, and not by works, he declared. Near the end of his life, Luther explained how he arrived at his revolutionary insight through meditation upon Romans 1:16-17: ....

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 09/24/05 10:41:16 AM
Categorized as Blogworthies.


Public Eye

Honest CBS Logo

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 09/24/05 10:17:23 AM
Categorized as Blogosphere Stuff.


Robert Hugh Benson Unabridged


Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 09/24/05 09:58:57 AM
Categorized as Literary & WorldWideWeb Stuff.


Debbie Schlussel...

... has a blog.

(Thanks, Charles.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 09/24/05 09:43:32 AM
Categorized as Blogosphere Stuff.


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