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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 09/05/05 03:27:07 PM

What's Been Happening

Which doesn't come through the mainstream-media obsessions.

By Michael at Cummins Family:

  • .... The levee breach occured on the 17th Street Canal levee. This was one of the levees that had been already been completed and upgraded by to the Hurricane Protection Project. The Army Corps of engineers stated that they had not imagined the levee ever actually breaching in the manner that it had; they had only envisioned the waters topping the levees.
  • A study was currently in progress looking for ways to further upgrade the levees to protect residents from Category 4 or 5 storms. Implementation of the study's recommendations would not be complete for another 20-25 years.
  • I would like to point out that this year President Bush and the dominantly Republican Congress passed one of the largest pork-filled transportation bills in the history of spending money. If the Republican congress had actually spent much of their time being frugal, I might be able to forgive them for the reduction of spending on the Hurricane Protection Project, since despite it simply offending sensibility it does not seem to have played a role in this specific disaster. But since we have a spending-spree congress in session, they do not have my forgiveness at all....

And by Jeff Goldstein at protein wisdom:

.... Couple this with Robin Roberts’ reminder that “Federal planning guidelines instruct the state and local governments to expect Federal aid to take 3 to 4 days to arrive and be prepared to handled the situation for that long” — consistent with the actual arrival of federal aid after the Tuesday levee breaks, and despite enormous logistical obstacles (the absence of infrastructure, flooded roads, and no centralized communication — which NO accepted monies to assure wouldn’t happen) — it seems to me that the FEMA response was appropriate....

(Thanks, Esquire.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 09/05/05 03:27:07 PM
Categorized as Political.


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