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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 09/08/05 08:19:34 AM
Katrina: Response Timeline A monumental effort by Rick Moran at RightWing NutHouse. First, the timeline, which concludes with a few observations: .... This has been a clusterf**k from the get go on all levels and with a few unbelievably heroic exceptions – mostly the LA Fish and Wildlife employees who were out in boats rescuing people almost before the storm passed and our selfless military who performed with their usual spectacular competence and courage. I am convinced that any Commission or Congressional investigation – if even slightly impartial – will find enough stupidity, incompetence, panic, blame shifting, lying, and bureaucratic ass covering to sate the appetite for name calling and blame assigning of even the most partisan among us. This was a failure of leadership and competence. But it was also a failure of will. And for that, you need look no farther than the mirror in your bathroom, dearest readers. We elected this crew. We elected the Congresses over the past 25 years – Democratic and Republican – that failed to do the things necessary to make New Orleans safer.... He follows up with I Know What Went Wrong: After spending the last 48 hours reading and tabulating information about who, where, when, and what went wrong with Katrina relief, I’d like to proclaim myself an expert. That’s right. You see, these days, anyone can be an expert on anything. It doesn’t take much at all, just the cohones to come out and brag about how knowledgeable you are on any given subject. That said, I know exactly what went wrong with relief efforts in New Orleans. And surprisingly, it had very little to do with submerged busses, broken promises, missing National Guard troops, and most especially the race, economic status, or political preferencs of the victims. It was a disaster.... I will merely note that the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina gives a whole 'nother level of meaning to the old joke, commonly heard in the business world when dealing with less than perfect and accurate results: It's close enough for government work. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Thu. 09/08/05 08:19:34 AM |
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