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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 12/08/05 08:32:04 AM

Alpizarization of Domestic War on Terrorism Coming?

As you have probably heard already, one Rigoberto Alpizar was killed yesterday by air marshals after claiming to have had a bomb. It seems now that he was mentally disturbed.

I should think, from what I know of the situation, that the air marshals really had no other choice. I should also think that some folks will disagree with that assessment.

Here's a speculation from your Humble, Faithful Blogster: the probablity of real terrorists thinking about adopting a Fake Mental Illness tactic will go up if, and proportional to, the criticism that the air marshals get. If the air marshal(s), the airline, and/or the airport involved get sued by Alpizar's family, the probability will go to 1.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Thu. 12/08/05 08:32:04 AM
Categorized as Political.


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