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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tuesday, June 20, 2006

"Death is the Tranquil Night"

Random Poetry List XLVIII

Death is the tranquil night.
Life is the sultry day.
It darkens; I will sleep now;
The light has made me weary.

Over my bed rises a tree
Wherein sings the young nightingale.
It sings of constant love.
Even in this dream I hear it.

Heinrich Heine (German, AD 1797-1856)

Originally e-mailed on Sunday, June 20, 1999 @ 10:24 PM.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 06/20/06 06:30:08 PM
Categorized as Literary & Random Poetry List.


"Stupid Or Evil: Judgment Day"

By Francis W. Porretto @ Eternity Road:

Your Curmudgeon has written before — indeed, he's done so twice — about the proclivity of the political Left for classifying its opponents as "stupid or evil." He who possesses a mature self-regard, leavened with enough humility to allow that he could still be wrong, tends to bridle at such statements, especially when the objective evidence speaks otherwise. But the main point here is not the accuracy nor the completeness of the partition; it's about the natural tendency of those convinced of their correctness to categorize their adversaries rather than to stick to the subject at hand.
Your Curmudgeon has a personal interest in this matter, having been intimately involved in politics for many years and in many ways. He's seen this tendency at close range on many occasions. Indeed, he's surrendered to it now and again himself.
Why can't we "stick to the subject at hand?" Why are we so inclined to diagnose our opponents, rather than simply conceding their right to be wrong? Wouldn't the latter approach go better with the concession that, as unlikely as it might seem, we might be the ones in error?...

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 06/20/06 05:50:43 PM
Categorized as More Than Blogworthy.


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