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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Friday, August 04, 2006


Random Poetry List LXI

The water-lilies on the meadow stream
   Again spread out their leaves of glossy green;
And some, yet young, of a rich copper gleam,
   Scarce open, in the sunny stream are seen.
Throwing a richness upon leisure's eye,
   That thither wanders in a vacant joy;
While on the sloping banks, luxuriantly,
   Tending of horse and cow, the chubby boy,
In self-delighted whims, will often throw
   Pebbles to hit and splash their sunny leaves;
Yet quickly dry again, they shine and glow
   Like some rich vision that his eye deceives,
Spreading above the water, day by day,
In dangerous deeps, yet out of danger's way.

John Clare (1793-1864)

Originally e-mailed on Tuesday, August 04, 1998 @ 10:26 PM.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 08/04/06 07:48:01 AM
Categorized as Literary & Random Poetry List.


"Analysing the Jiminy Cricket Generation"

Matthew Mehan interviews David Bosworth at MercatorNet, Aug. 2:

.... What's missing all too frequently, for the various reasons I noted before, are the parents themselves, as well as the extended families and stable neighbourhoods filled with lifelong friends, who together once supported parents in raising their children. What's missing increasingly in our society is a confident understanding of how the responsibilities and associated behaviours of children and adults ought to differ and how being the best possible parent differs from being your child's best friend.
What's present in their place are a widespread fear of and contempt for ageing, an over-investment in what I call the bogus expertise of self-help specialists, and a confusion between workplace roles and domestic ones. What's present — nearly omnipresent — is an entertainment economy whose invasive commercial messages convey the same themes as Disney's Jiminy Cricket: that (so long as we purchase the right product or advice) fate will be kind and our dreams will come true out of the blue; that ours is an existence in which it is both plausible and ethical to believe that "no request is too extreme." ....

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 08/04/06 07:31:10 AM
Categorized as Social/Cultural & WorldWideWeb Stuff.


"Et Tu, Jen?"

A weblog by a former atheist joining the Catholic Church. Here's an older version.

(Thanks, Esquire.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 08/04/06 07:21:02 AM
Categorized as Blogosphere Stuff & Religious.


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