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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Saturday, August 05, 2006
"A Summer Evening" Random Poetry List LXII
The living woods forego their care, W. B. Yeats (Irish, 1865-1939) Originally e-mailed on Thursday, August 05, 1999 @ 10:22 PM. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Sat. 08/05/06 08:51:17 AM |
"Video Made the Terrorist Star" By Noah Pollak at National Review Online: .... As a means of physically damaging Israel, Hezbollah’s military capabilities are almost laughable. But as a means to demoralize, isolate, and promote the ridicule of Israel, Katyushas and mortars aimed at civilian populations are the perfect weapon: Sufficiently ineffective to exculpate Israel’s legions of scrutinizers from apprehension about Israeli deaths, they invite a predictable military response from Israel that Hezbollah can use to cause maximum political and media damage to the Jewish state. Hezbollah does not waste valuable media capital by launching its rockets from rural hillsides; it launches them from crowded neighborhoods, apartment buildings, and schools, while its operatives aggressively promote the civilian-casualties deception to credulous Western journalists, fully confident that scenes of death and destruction will make westerners recoil from what is allegedly being done in their names.... In other words, Hezbollah does not have a military strategy; it has a media strategy that so far has been chillingly effective. In Lebanon, most civilian casualties are not the product of Israeli overzealousness — they are the most vital, important, and intentional victories in Hezbollah’s campaign. We are witnessing what is perhaps the most successful manipulation of civilian deaths by a terrorist organization to date, and while the reality of the situation is apparent to some observers, most members of the media are either oblivious to their own culpability in spreading propaganda for Hezbollah, or simply don’t mind doing so.... Lane Core Jr. CIW P Sat. 08/05/06 08:35:51 AM |
"Clans of the Alphane Moon" By the blogger @ ShrinkWrapped: When Michael C was 18 and in his first year of college, he began to have academic difficulty. He had been an excellent student in high school and was admitted to a prestigious college in the Northeast. He had started college well and received high grades on his first few exams but then began to have difficulty understanding the material in several classes. His grades began to slip; by the end of his first semester he had received 3 C's and an F. Over the Christmas break (winter break was still called Christmas break in those days, the late 1970s) he thought long and hard about his poor performance. His parents were angry at him and threatened to withhold his tuition for his sophomore year if his grades did not improve. He began to notice tell tale signs that things were not quite as they seemed. He noticed a slow increase in the number of red signs in his neighborhood. When he asked his friends and relatives about this, no one else seemed to be aware of the creeping redness. Certain numbers began to appear with much more than the usual random frequency. He found that when he watched TV, the newscasters often had messages of special importance to him. After pointing this out on a few occasions and receiving dismissive responses, he realized that other people did not recognize what was happening. When he returned to school in the winter, things only got worse. He understood his classes perfectly well yet his professors failed him. His puzzlement grew. He knew he was extremely smart; he knew he was destined for great things. After all, he had been told how smart he was and how important he was going to be from the time he was a little boy. Why, he wondered over and over, would his professors try to thwart him?... Lane Core Jr. CIW P Sat. 08/05/06 08:21:49 AM |
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