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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 08/10/06 06:44:53 AM

"Language Problem, Dude"

By Robert Godwin @ One Cosmos (profanity alert):

What is the deeper meaning of the controversy surrounding the manipulated Reuters loadocraps? After all, everyone knows Reuters has a leftist agenda and that it has been manipulating the news for years. It’s not so much that they manipulated the photos, but that the photos were intended to be manipulative to begin with.
In other words, the initial — and far more consequential — manipulation takes place when a Reuters idiotor decides to use this or that photo to encapsulate and illustrate his view of reality. If his initial view of reality is true, then the manipulated photo can only be more true, not less true, because it is doing a better job of conveying a truth that transcends material images: the truth that Israel is a genocidal aggressor that wantonly targets innocent civilians. To coin a phrase, the photos may be fake, but they are accurate — only more so.
That is certainly how the left sees it, which is why the controversy is of no consequence to them....

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Thu. 08/10/06 06:44:53 AM
Categorized as More Than Blogworthy.


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