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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 08/17/06 05:44:04 PM


It's a new word (called a "coinage") with its own meaning.

With all due respect to those who object to the word Islamofascism and its cognates because Islamic terrorists aren't fascists — well, calling them Islamofascists doesn't mean we think they're fascists (rightly or wrongly), any more than saying we have "coined" a word means that we claim to have made round metallic money out of it.

Islamofascism is a brand new word with its own meaning: hostility, intimidation, aggression, violence, and oppression in the cause of the dominance and spread of Islam.

Get it?

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Thu. 08/17/06 05:44:04 PM
Categorized as Other.


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