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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Wed. 08/23/06 07:56:54 PM

"Caught Between The Moon And Ego"

By the blogger @ Sigmund, Carl & Alfred:

Remember the movie Arthur, starring Dudley Moore and Liza Minelli?
In the role of the title character, Moore plays a childish, self centered and self absorbed millionaire lush, He is quite out of touch with reality and he has no idea how to relate to anyone living in the real world. He seeks advice and comfort from his valet, Hobson, played by the brilliant Sir John Gielgud. In the course of dispensing advice, Hobson misses no opportunity to berate, insult and beat up on Arthur. A lifetime of Hobson's tutelage should have equipped Arthur with all the skills he needed to succeed in life. Instead, Arthur rejects reality and pursues nothing more than self indulgence. He blocks out reality, so that he can live his life in irrelevance, believing that his money can buy him credibility.
Of course, Hobson is a metaphor for Arthur's own conscience. None of the advice Hobson imparts to Arthur is particularly insightful or brilliant. Instead, Hobson verbalized what Arthur already knows — that life has no meaning unless that life makes a difference for the better....

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Wed. 08/23/06 07:56:54 PM
Categorized as More Than Blogworthy.


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