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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 12/21/07 04:04:19 PM

From "Advent"

By Rev. Ronald Knox, December 21, 1947.

A sermon broadcast from the London Oratory, sixty years ago today.

.... So many of us, when Christmas comes round, feel as if we had not the courage to present ourself at the crib; it shames us with its poverty — we are so creature-loving; shames us with its humility — we are so full of injured pride; shames us with its faith — we are so full of hesitations and evasions. Why is it still dawn with us; why have we never grown up into the perfect day? As long as you have the grace to be thus discontented with yourself, take courage; all is not lost. No need to despair of any soul, except the soul which despairs of itself. Those deep shadows which chequer the recesses of your conscience are proof that the light is still there. There is headroom in the cave of Bethlehem for everybody who knows how to stoop.

[Pastoral Sermons and Occasional Sermons, ed. Philip Caraman, S.J., pp. 403ff.]

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Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 12/21/07 04:04:19 PM
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