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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 06/13/08 09:42:48 PM

The Excuse Cobblers

At it again.

Our black-robed masters have once again decided, in Boumediene v. Bush, to further enrich and empower their fellow lawyers. (Yes, folks, that's what I think it's really about: lawyers eventually taking over everybody's lives.) I pluck a line from Scott Johnson's discussion:

The unpersuasiveness of this crucial part of the opinion shows the Court, rather than the Bush administration, to be acting arbitrarily.

I have already explained all of this, but nobody seemed to notice:

.... See what's going on? Like-minded individuals on SCOTUS cobble together a coalition: if they want to approve something, they find an excuse to do so; if they want to not approve something, they find an excuse to not do so. Unless they can't agree on an excuse: then, each throws out whatever excuse he can come up with. (Got that? Five justices could come up with five different, perhaps even mutually contradictory, citations excuses to establish their opinions: as long as they vote the same way, it doesn't really matter what excuses they invent.)
Don't you think it would be neato-keeno to put a stop to this judicial tyranny by punishing those who behave that way? By removing them from their office? I sure do!...

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 06/13/08 09:42:48 PM
Categorized as Political.


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