The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tue. 07/29/08 10:36:32 AM
"And Make Me An Instrument Of Your Will"? A kerfuffle has erupted over Barack Hussein Obama's alleged prayer on an alleged slip of paper that he had allegedly placed into a crack in the Wailing (Western) Wall in Jerusalem, as is customary for visitors.
Did somebody swipe the note and a newspaper then print its contents without permission? Or did the Obama campaign coordinate the publication ahead of time? We may never know the true answer to these momentous questions. Big whoopee ding dong. Here's the real question: why aren't America's liberal pundits going bonkers over a presidential candidate who wants God to make him an instrument of His will? What?... He's a Democrat? Oh... never mind.... Were the candidate a Republican, America's liberal pundits would be red-faced screaming about a delusional monomaniac who wants to turn the country into a "theocracy". You know, like George W. Bush.
That's a fine prayer. I do not for a second, though, believe it to have been composed by Obama. Nor do I believe his campaign did not foresee (though not necessarily arrange) its publication. See also Theocracy Coming? Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 07/29/08 10:36:32 AM |
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