"Only Heaven is Given Away"
Random Poetry List XCI
I bought a gay-roofed house upon a sunny hill,
Where heaven is very close to earth and all the world is still.
It took my savings, every cent, although the cost was small,
But, oh, the lovely things I bought, and paid for not at all!
The sleepy valleys that below in tawny sunshine lie,
The oaks that sprawl across their slopes and climb to meet the sky,
Stray winds that sing of other things than those our eyes may see,
Blue wisps of mist, and reveled clouds that, fleeing, beckon me.
White suns of mad, glad April, October's wine to quaff,
On crystal winter mornings my hearth fire's crackling laugh,
The silent stars that march at night so close above my head,
The sound of raindrops on the roof when I am snug in bed.
For joist and beam and shingles gay I spent my savings small,
But on the lovely things God gave He put no price at all!
Rose Darrough
Originally e-mailed on Tuesday, November 24, 1998 @ 11:12 PM.
Lane Core Jr. CIW P Mon. 11/24/08 08:39:29 AM
Categorized as Literary & Random Poetry List.