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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday Snippets - A Catholic Carnival 2

Tabb Centenary Year XL: Five lyrics by Rev. John B. Tabb.


Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sun. 07/12/09 07:07:55 PM
Categorized as Catholic Carnival.


Recent Comments II

At American Digest, Thursday, Obama was compared to Melville's character Ahab in Moby Dick; whereupon, I left a comment:

An insightful literary analogy.
As the lamented Dr. Sanity has explained, Obama is a selfless narcissist. As I would say, he'll do everything conceivable to help the people, no matter how many actual persons he has to hurt or kill along the way. (For instance, "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.") That his policies might actually be deleterious would not, then, seem to be relevant to him — so long as he gets to live his own life quite comfortably, that is.

At neo-neocon, yesterday, there was speculation whether the liberal enchantment with Obama is coming to an end, even in the mainstream media; whereupon, I left a comment:

The handwriting was on the wall the day Obama called Palin a pig in lipstick. That is exactly what he did, but everybody in mainstream media pretended he didn’t do so. We learned that day — and, perhaps more significantly, Obama learned that day — that his comrades in mainstream media would let him get away with anything. Not only let him get away with anything, but help him get away with it.
The blinders and blinkers may fall from a few liberals’ eyes, as they are already, but I don’t think the herd will ever be driven off course. Following on AVI’s remarks, however, one thing that might spook the herd would be actions by the Obamists that visibly and seriously hurt liberals where they live, provided that they can connect the Obama cause with the deleterious effect.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sun. 07/12/09 04:02:42 PM
Categorized as Media & Political.


Tabb Centenary Year XL

Five lyrics by Rev. John B. Tabb.

The Peak

As on some solitary height
Abides, in summer’s fierce despite,
Snow-blossom that no sun can blight,
   No frost can kill;
So, in my soul—all else below
To change succumbing—stands aglow
One wreath of immemorial snow,
   Unscattered still.

January 1892 (p. 154, Life, Death and Similar Themes: Memory)


I go not to the grave to weep,
But to my heart, wherein I keep
A hidden manna that hath fed
Alike the living and the dead.

We gathered it as, day by day,
It fell from heaven upon our way,
To be, if haply one were gone,
The bread for both to feed upon.

1910 (p. 156, Life, Death and Similar Themes: Sympathy)


Full many a noonday nook I know
Where memory is fain to go
And wait in silence till the shade
Of sleep the solitude invade.

For these the resting-places are
Of dreams that, journeying afar,
Pause in their migratory flight
This side the continent of night.

February 1903 (p. 155, Life, Death and Similar Themes: Memory)


God speed thee, setting Sun!
Thy beams for me have spun
   Of light to-day
A memory that one
Alone could bring, and none
   Can take away.

June 1895 (p. 155, Life, Death and Similar Themes: Life)


I miss thee everywhere.
   The places dear to thee,
Familiar shadows wear
   Henceforth for memory.

And where thou hast not been,
   Thou seemest to repose
As near, though never seen,
   As fragrance to the rose.

November 1906 (p. 157, Life, Death and Similar Themes: Love)

[“Memory”: manna was the miraculous food provided by God to the Israelites during their sojourn in the desert; this whole poem alludes to Exodus 16; haply means by chance or accident. “Harbors”: fain means pleased or willing. “Adieu”: from the French, meaning farewell; “God speed” is a wish for success, especially on a journey.]

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sun. 07/12/09 10:53:39 AM
Categorized as Father Tabb Centenary Year & Literary.


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