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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sun. 08/23/09 08:28:39 PM

Tabb Centenary Year XLVI

Five poems by Rev. John B. Tabb.

The Bubble

A momentary miracle,
   Wherein Eternal Light,
A child among his children still,
   Forgets the infinite,
Among His toys to multiply
The larger bubble of the sky.

October 1891 (p. 161, Life, Death and Similar Themes: The World)


Upon the isle of time we trace
The signs of many a vanished race;
But on the sea that laps it round,
No memory of man is found.

1897 (p. 366, Quatrains: Miscellaneous)

The Sea Bubble

Yea, a bubble though I be,
   Love, O man, that fashioned thee
   Of the dust, created me
Not of earth, but of the sea:
Kindred blossoms then are we—
Time-blooms on eternity.

December 1892 (p. 134, Life, Death and Similar Themes: Love)


The calm horizon circles only me,
The centre of its measureless embrace—
A bubble on the bosom of the sea,
Itself a bubble in the bound of space.

December 1895 (p. 353, Quatrains: Personal)


A boat unmoored, wherein a dreamer lies,
   The slumberous waves low-lisping of a land
Where love, forever with unclouded eyes,
   Goes, wed with wandering music, hand in hand.

1897 (p. 364, Quatrains: Miscellaneous)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sun. 08/23/09 08:28:39 PM
Categorized as Father Tabb Centenary Year & Literary.


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